Speed, Strength, Power Development

Roon Labs 

7 Ways to Boost Your Strength, Speed, and Power

Have you reached a stalemate in your strength gains or are you seeing slow progress? Do you want to create a strength program that will help you reach your full potential? These suggestions can help you get stronger and more explosive, allowing you to improve your training and game.

1: Slow Eccentric Strengthening

It develops force production and absorption mechanisms when you conduct a slow eccentric movement. These mechanisms teach your muscles to absorb and generate more power, instantly improving your strength and speed. To become stronger and move faster, you must train your muscles how to absorb force. You will not become faster by training quickly without eccentric development. You don’t have to train slowly all of the time; simply for three weeks is enough to establish the processes.

Make an eccentric motion for 4-6 seconds. At the bottom, pause for 2 seconds before quickly ascending in a concentric motion.

2: To Be Faster, Train Lighter

Lifting large weights is beneficial, but you must learn to back down. Once you’ve reached maximum strength, you’ll need to reduce your weight to 50-60% of your maximum strength to develop speed, which is the goal of maximizing strength. You can only go as fast as your strength allows. If your strength index is 50, your speed training will be 25 minutes long. Your speed training would be 40 if your strength index is 80. You will become slower if you continue to lift high weights without lowering the weight. It’s also the most common cause of strength plateaus.

For speed-intensive objectives, learn to lift lighter. Alternatively, you might do it for a few weeks to de-load and raise your strength index.

3: Work on the functional seven:

deadlift, squat, pull-up, shoulder press, chest press, row, and lunge. After you’ve strengthened Functional 7, you may start incorporating exercises and expanding your range of motion.

To improve your functional motions, do three sets of five reps. Following that, you can combine various actions, such as a lunge and a press.

Take a few deep breaths and pressurize your core. Most people become exhausted because they do not correctly integrate breathing into their actions, training, or jogging. You’re aware that your vehicle has a gas tank. The lungs, after all, are the body’s gas tank. You will not be able to optimize training or performance if they are not functioning properly. It’s happened to some of the best athletes I’ve ever seen. During the game, they tanked. Your strength is useless when your lungs are exhausted.

During strength training, use nasal diaphragmatic breathing to train your breath. It will quickly activate your core stability and boost the strength of your neural and muscular systems, making you stronger.

4: Maintain a Balanced Strength Training Program

Both sides of the body, as well as multi-plane movements, must be trained. Rather of practicing one exercise at a time, exercises like the back row and chest press, triceps pulldown, and biceps curl can improve strength and quickness. Doing heavy rows before a chest press boosted the chest pressing weight instantaneously, according to research published in The Journal of Strength & Conditioning.

Perform 5 reps of your 1RM on Bent Over Rows. After the rows, rest for around 1-2 minutes before doing 5 reps of your 1RM on the chest press. Check to see if lifting feels easier, lighter, or more explosive.

Contrast Training is number 5 on the list.

Contrast training is an excellent way to boost your nervous system’s performance. It is based on four exercises. The priming exercise entails lifting heavy weights for 3-5 reps. The second exercise is a plyometric variation of the first. The third exercise would be similar to the first, except that the weight would be dropped to roughly 40% of your one-rep maximum. To keep the pace of the workout, the fourth and final exercise would be plyometric or assisted plyometric. Between exercises, there is no more than 10 seconds of rest and 3 minutes of full recovery at the end of the session.

Here’s an example of contrast training:

Vertical Squat Jumps with Leg Press
Front Squats with a Kettlebell
Jumps from a vertical squat
The goal is to improve the nervous system’s potentiation power so that it can continue to generate speed and power over time, hence no more than 5 reps are recommended.

6: Advanced Training

To build or maintain speed and power, complex training consists of two workouts. The primer is the first exercise. The second exercise is plyometric, which requires you to be as explosive as possible. You’ll become more explosive as a result of it.

The following are some examples of sophisticated training:

Vertical Jumps and Squats
Broad Jumps and Deadlifts
Push or drag the sled for ten yards, then dash.
Complex training is beneficial for maintaining strength, speed, and power during in-season competition.

7: Make It Easier To Do True Repetitions By Lightening The Load

You will compensate your body to move the burden if it is too heavy to move. This will result in an uneven strength due to a compensatory movement pattern. You won’t be pressing from your core if you’re executing a standing shoulder press with your hips tilted forward. It is going to be your lumber. The actual rep will be pressing from your core. You should lighten the load if you aren’t using your core in your press. Lifting heavy is a good idea, but if you have to compensate for doing it, you will create many weak links in your movement patterns that can make other movements weaker and vulnerable to injury. Breathe, then tighten your core to stabilize before moving.